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  • loser音译歌词(谁知道布兰妮的criminal的中文歌词谐音。十分感谢)

    首页 > 信息 > 文章正文 发布时间: 2022-09-22 13:51 阅读()


    He is a hustler他是个骗子   

    He's no good at all他一点好处也没有   

    He is a loser, he’s a bum, bum, bum, bum他是个失败者,他是个屁

    He lies, he bluffs他说谎,他愚弄别人   

    He's unreliable.他靠不住   

    He is a sucker with a gun, gun, gun, gun他是个拿着枪的傻瓜   

    I know you told me我知道你告诉过我   

    I should stay away.我应该远离他   

    I know you said我知道你说过  

    He’s just a dog astray(and)他只是只走错路的狗   

    He is a rebel with a tainted heart他是个心上烙着污点的反叛者   

    And even I know this a'int smart就算我知道这并不聪明   


    But mama im in love with a criminal但是妈妈!我喜欢上这个罪犯   

    And this type of love而且这种爱   

    Isn't rational, it's physical并不理性,只是身体上的爱   

    Mama please don't cry妈妈请你不要哭   

    I will be alright我会没事的   

    All reasons inside所有的原因   

    I just cant deny只是我不敢否认   

    Love the guy 我喜欢那家伙   

    [Britney Spears - Verse 2]   

    He is a villain of the devil’s law他是信奉恶魔法则的恶棍   

    He is a killer just for fun, fun, fun, fun他是为了寻开心而杀人的杀手   

    That man's a snitch and unpredictable,那人是深不可测的告密者   

    He’s got no conscious他并没有意识到   

    He got none, none, none, none他什麼也拥有不到   

    All I know, should let go, but no 我所知道的,是我应放手,但是我没有   

    'cause he’s a rebel with a tainted heart因为他是个心上烙着污点的反叛者   

    And even I know this ain't smart就算我知道这并不聪明   


    But mama im in love with a criminal但是妈妈!我喜欢上这个罪犯   

    And this type of love而且这种爱   

    Isn't rational, it's physical并不理性,只是身体上的爱   

    Mama please don't cry妈妈请你不要哭   

    I will be alright我会没事的   

    All reasons inside所有的原因   

    I just cant deny只是我不敢否认   

    Love the guy 我喜欢那家伙   


    And he's got my name而且他把我的名字   

    Tatooed on his arm纹在他的手臂上   

    His lucky charm,他的幸运符   

    So I guess its okay令我认为这没问题   

    He’s with me他是和我一起的   

    And I hear people talk我听到别人在谈论   

    Trying to make remarks尝试提醒我   

    Keep us apart让我们分开   

    But I don't even hear但我甚至不听他们   

    I don't care我不在乎   


    Cause mama im in love with a criminal因为妈妈!我喜欢上这个罪犯   

    And this type of love而且这种爱   

    Isn't rational, it's physical并不理性,只是身体上的爱   

    Mama please don't cry妈妈请你不要哭   

    I will be alright我会没事的   

    All reasons inside所有的原因   

    I just cant deny只是我不敢否认   

    Love the guy 我喜欢那家伙

    关键字: 知道 / 中文 / 歌词 / 音译 / 谐音 / 布兰妮 / criminal / 
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    Power by DedeCms  联系方式:woTSIJBo7ekYcJH@outlook.com